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Cope with in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+18Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: matchmeetSimilar words: cooperate withlive withagree within line withkeep pace withmake peace withinterfere withfall in love withMeaning: v. satisfy or fulfill. 
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91. We need someone practical who can cope with a crisis.
92. It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.
93. The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of disaffected teenagers.
94. The government made open confession of its inability to cope with the crisis.
95. The problem is, how do you cope with stress?
96. They can't cope with real life and kill themselves.
97. How do you cope with change?
98. Anxious clients can be taught to cope with stress.
99. At what age cam children cope with these conventions?
100. California is trying to cope with chronic water shortages.
101. Because most submersible pumps are not designed to cope with solids.
102. But he demanded high standards and as a classical scholar was exasperated by my inability to cope with Latin.
103. I couldn't cope with his life, that's what it was.
104. An early, major order of business was learning to cope with the stresses and intense emotions of becoming a manager.
105. There are few specialist clinics and those that do exist can not cope with the demand.
106. Merrydown has bumped up production facilities to cope with the expected demand.
107. Fear can provide the adrenaline to cope with a new situation or emergency.
108. Nurses in that sector have to cope with the effects on their patients of poor housing conditions and a deteriorating social fabric.
109. They were also too crude to cope with the complexity of contemporary life in Britain.
110. Helping young people cope with the impact of drug and alcohol abuse is the focus of the play Coming To.
111. However the immediate task of most advice workers is to help the clients in the interview room cope with day-to-day pressing problems.
112. Services should also aim to enhance the individual's own ability to cope with distress.
112. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
113. The child feels anxious and unsafe as she tries to cope with her parents' unpredictability.
114. This ensures continuity of care between hospital and home and gives the patient confidence to cope with a new situation.
115. How do they cope with the complexity of the problem?
116. It can cope with a cold, fight off a serious illness and with time,( even mend a broken bone.
117. They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions.
118. This is a psychiatric rehabilitation centre for people unable to cope with daily problems.
119. The more experienced may try Villa-Flotilla in Yalikavak, where high wind courses give the confidence needed to cope with choppy seas.
120. Relatives have to cope with mental illness that so often changes the personality of their loved one.
More similar words: cooperate withlive withagree within line withkeep pace withmake peace withinterfere withfall in love withcommunicate within accordance withcopescopetelescopewithwithoutgo withwithindo withdown withwith youngwithdrawgo withoutdo withoutplay withtalk withget on withbear withmeet withdeal withend up with
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